This site is rated PG for "Pure Genius".

Hard Gay: Why he’s funny, and why America needs a little Hard Gay.

I mentioned that I wanted to do something fun with this guy when I was debating on creating a blog on Facebook. Well now it’s that time that I do what I wanted. Why is this man so damn funny, lovable and gay? Because he can!

Now to explain who this “Hard Gay” fella is. His real name is Masaki Sumitani. He is a lot of things; a talent for variety shows, a Japanese comedian, and his first true profession: a professional wrestler. His full performing name is Razor Ramon Hard Gay or simply HG. Now the name may be familiar to those who are fans of WWE wrestling, and that your thoughts are most likely right. Sumitani used Scott Hall’s ring name “Razor Ramon”, which I believed he used in honor. He became very popular in 2005 joining the show called Bakusho Mondai no Bakuten!, which aired on Saturday’s on the TBS Television station in Japan. He wrestled for the Doshisha Professional Wrestling Alliance, or DWA, and then eventually moved to HUSTLE, which was a more comedy related wrestling promotion, in late 2005. Sadly, in July 2009 he had to retire from wrestling due to shattering his left foot while diving off from the wrestling ring.

I’m not here to discuss his entire life as of now, but rather why I think this guy is a comdey genius, and dare I say hero?! Yes!

Personally, I heard of Hard Gay back a couple years ago, but being someone who was focused on other things Japanese (Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop (well let’s just say anything Toonami and Adult Swim related) I didn’t really pay attention. It wasn’t until this summer that I finally got a taste of who this Hard Gay was and why he was so damn hilarious. The first video I ever watched was one titled “Father’s Day“. I only have one thing to say about this: “FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH”. This man is the pinnacle of manly gayness. My favorite thing is that he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. This is especially true in a video I saw called “TOMY“, which shows Hard Gay going to far reaches to be made into a popular game. The game is called 黒ひげ危機一発 or “Kurohige Kiki Ippatsu“, and it involves sticking plastic keys into slits on a barrel. There is a pirate in the barrel, and the person who puts the key into the slit and makes the pirate jump out loses the game. This made me die in laughter due to his antics, like facing the president of TOMY to a game of Kiki Ippatsu and losing immediately.

Hard Gay is also very funny because he’s acting in a stereotypical gay attitude, but giving it pizazz. He has a knack of thrusting his hips when he’s happy or excited about something, and he won’t stop, not even towards children (yes, I said children. Gotta love Japan and there tolerant ways. Tolerance FTW!!). When he’s not happy, he will yell at the person by saying “SAY SAY SAY” repeatedly to shut them up. He also has a habit of constantly saying “Okay”, which for me personally is hilarious because of the way he says it. Best of it all is that he wears a tight black leather vest with hot pants and shoes that would make Ryan Stiles shoes look small (don’t get the reference, look it up on Wikipedia ;D).

To bring this little blog to a close, I want to state why I think we need someone like RAZOOOR RAMOOOON SUMITANI HADO GAYU! in the United States. It seems that here in the States, we have a lot of people who are either very tolerant of homosexuals, or not tolerant of homosexuals. Hard Gay is really not gay, because he is married. Some in the gay community may think he’s making fun of gays, and this may be true, but everyone needs to have an open mind. He just likes to have fun, and the way he gets laughs is to act like a gay man and do funny things, to me that’s a win-win situation. I wish more people (as in actors, comedians, etc.) would have the balls to do what Hard Gay does in Japan, and maybe in some way that could change the perceptions of people who either fear, discriminate, or hate the gay culture. America is different in that anything that isn’t in the normal “Christian” way is wrong. I don’t mean Christian in that sense that everyone is a part of that religion, but since America is predominately Christian, I’m going with it. Our social norms are different, and that’s okay, but an open-mind can bring new ideas and thoughts. In the case of a Hard Gay-like character in America, it could help bring down the taboo people place on gays in general.

(All information regarding Hard Gay and other information can be found on Thank you for reading my very first blog post, and I hope that you pass this on to others to read.)

The manliest of men

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